Sunday, 9 March 2014

Channel 4 to broadcast footage of 9/11 New York attacks filmed from space

Channel 4 to broadcast footage of 9/11 New York attacks filmed from space

9/11 attacks

Channel 4 now broadcast footage of the 911 New York attacks filmed from space. This video footage of the 911 attacks in New York filmed in space is going to be broadcast and shown full on British television for the first time by Channel 4 later this month. The footage of a huge plume of smoke was seen from from the international space station in space of the world trade centre burning down by astronaut Frank Cuibererterson. This is a part of Channel fours programme about space which gives details of the astronaut's lives before and after. Is the program will feature documentaries about the astronauts building up to a 2 1/2 hour live broadcast from the ISS and mission control in Houston Texas.

Short clips from the film of the attacks on New York were released by Nasa to mark the tenth anniversary in 2011, but the film has not been seen in full with Culbertson's commentary and his bugle call.
Hours after the attack Culbertson went on to discover his friend Chic Burlingame was one of the pilots killed during the 2001 attacks when his airliner was hijacked by terrorists.

The creative director of the Channel 4 project, Tom Brisley, said: "Not every frame has been seen before, so every frame that was shot on that day is in the show."

I think that this is allowed people to see the horrific disaster from a different angle and will change peoples opinions of the event, as the angle that we see it through is by the media and citizen journalism, as people on that day had made videos of the horrific event on that date to show the world what has happened, as it gives the audience a sense of realism. Moreover, we saw this event throught the news and told by the reporters. 

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